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Table 4 Objective participants’ skill assessment

From: Intubation after rapid sequence induction performed by non-medical personnel during space exploration missions: a simulation pilot study in a Mars analogue environment

Skill category

Skill subcategory

Skill assessed

Technical skills


1. Performs the checklist, notes missing items

(Max. 20 points)


2. Follows checklist


3. Identifies hemorrhagic shock



4. Administers the appropriate IV fluid volume


5. Preoxygenates correctly


6. Injects the correct sequence of drugs and doses


7. Intubates correctly


8. Appropriately confirms tube placement


9. Reverses the anaesthesia in the recommended manner


10. Extubates according to instructions

Non-technical skills

Task management

1. Planning and preparing

(Max. 20 points)


2. Prioritizing



3. Describes what he/she sees


4. Describes what he/she does


Situation awareness

5. Gathering information


6. Recognizing and understanding


7. Anticipating


Decision making

8. Identifies options


9. Balancing risks and selecting options


10. Re-evaluating

  1. Each question was given 0 point if the task was not observed, 1 point for tasks partially fulfilled or 2 points for tasks entirely completed. Non-technical skills grading adapted from Anaesthetists’ Non-Technical Skills (ANTS) system [23]